(value £97/$119 but yours for free as a gift from me!)

Hey lovely,

Congratulations & well done for grabbing your copy of the From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-MasterclassThis is the ultimate guide to banish procrastination, manage the overwhelm and create balance! It is time to create your “life by design”.

Simply click the button to download your mini-masterclass, set aside 20 minutes to learn my expert secrets, and get ready to say goodbye to the procrastination and overwhelm!


(If you are having trouble downloading your guide, please refresh your cache and cookie settings and try again. If the tech gremlins are really playing up then please email me as I would hate for you to miss out on this – )  

Alice Dartnell sat stairs Kampot From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-Masterclass. Ultimate guide to banish procrastination, manage the overwhelm and create balance!

Are you someone that…

  • Doesn’t know where to start, so you don’t (argh, hello procrastination and frustration!)
  • Sometimes has so much going on, it can feel a bit overwhelming
  • Would love to have more balance and not feel like you’re working all the time

If so, this mini-masterclass is perfect for YOU!!

I am so excited to share this with you to show! It’s time to get your hands on the 20-minute video masterclass ➕ PDF coaching workbook! 

Valued at £97/ $119, but it is yours for FREE as a 🎁 from me! 

Working with hundreds of people over the last few years, all over the world, I’ve got some tried and tested strategies that I know are going to work with you! 

Grab your free copy of this mini- training From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-Masterclass. 

Click the button to download your free copy! 👇👇👇

(you just need to simply enter your details and your video _ workbook will be automatically emailed to you like magic!) 

*If you are having trouble downloading your guide, please refresh your cache and cookie settings and try again. 

Alice Dartnell From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-Masterclass. This is the ultimate guide to banish procrastination, manage the overwhelm and create balance! Screen shot

Empowering people to create their life by design is my ultimate passion – you deserve to live the life you want!

BUT I also know it’s not as easy as that…

😩 You want to take action, but you don’t know where to start… so you don’t!

😖 You feel like you’re up against the clock, always rushing and trying to tick through the to-do list as quick as possible, so you’re forgetting to enjoy the journey

🤯 With so much going on, it’s easy to quickly become overwhelmed with everything you should be doing

😣 You work hard at what you do, but you also want to have balance in your life (and time to do the things you want to do, like quality time with loved ones, go to the gym, set the day up with a morning routine

🥴 You’re always at the bottom of the “to do list”. Me time? What’s that!

So I am here to offer you a helping hand!

I have made the ultimate masterclass for you, maximum impact but in minimal time!

I am all about simplicity and practicality in order for techniques to be effective (let’s be honest, the more complicated something is, the less likely you are to do it!) so I guarantee in this masterclass that you will:

📝 Walk away with simple, practical and easy to implement techniques to use right away

👋 Say goodbye to the procrastination, the overwhelm and the frustration of not knowing where to start

👩‍🏫 Learn the techniques to manage your time better so you can create a balance in your busy life

🧠 And as a little bonus… embrace a new attitude and mindset that is going to help you conquer your day (because everything stems from mindset!)


Alice Dartnell sat stairs Kampot From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-Masterclass. Ultimate guide to banish procrastination, manage the overwhelm and create balance! time management courses. Speaker. Author. “From Procrastinator to Proactive” Mini-Masterclass

Before being a coach, specialising in time management, energy management and mindset, I had a very different relationship and approach to my time management in the past…

The old Alice was a perfectionist and people pleaser (never a good combo 😥), so I would take on everything, playing superwoman. In my attempt to maximise life, I compromised me –my health, wellbeing, mental and physical health and I definitely was unnecessarily anxious, snappy and ratty with the people around me. 😡

I felt guilty if I wasn’t doing something –I had this desperation to be productive all the time –which meant slowing down, chilling or resting wasn’t something I did. I even sacrificed my sleep in a bid to get more hours in the day. Opps🥱

I was always multi-tasking and rushing from one thing to another, my mind was scattered and I literally ran from one meeting to another at work and in my personal life. 🏃🏻‍♀️ I didn’t even watch TV because I claimed “I didn’t have time for that”.

On the outside it looked like I was shit hot at time management –I was methodical, planned ahead, meal prepped, always met deadlines, was the person in charge of organising everything, was on time for meetings. I had “great work life balance” as I clocked off at work at 5pm, an amazing social life, and I had time to go to the gym! 🏋🏻‍♀️

But inside, it was chaotic. I was anxious, felt like I had to be productive all the time, was always ‘on’ and couldn’t switch off…😵‍💫 I inevitably burnt out in 2019 in my early 30s.

This is why I am on a mission to help empower you with your time management –but not in the traditional sense of just managing tasks and doing more. But managing your energy, achieving your goals and creating the life you want.